Friday, October 22, 2010

From C to CC

A blank blue screen in my Computer Lab,

Kept staring at me..and I was having a nap.
One crazy pixel hit my head,
Said "Someone is behind boy," and I was dead !!!

Fixing my specs, ‘# include’ I say,
I pick up few 'arrays' to find my way.
Loops of nested ‘for’s..Oh my head they spin,
Thank God I wasn’t thrown in the Recycle Bin.

Not before the puzzle in my head reach its peak,
The shy logic of my code appears to click.
Why can’t ‘C’ be as simple as it sounds,
The sharp pricks of 'pointers' gave me wounds...

My eyes traverse the screen for a ray of hope,
With the saviour ‘getch()’, all the worries will elope.
The smile on my face says the code will be fine,
But the story goes otherwise after ‘Alt F9 ’.

The clock blushed and said,"I’m quarter past three."
I gave her a wink coz finally I was free.
From C to CC- time to switch my gear
To hunt for some ‘OUTPUT’, I must set my hair ;-)

[...dedicated "From Me to Me" ;-)..]