14th of Feb again.. and I can feel my excitement reaching its peak. Every round of clock is adding to my joy and thus to my impatience as well. Because just few hours from now, its my BIRTHDAY ! I am swinging on the colorful ribbons of my thoughts. The balloons filled with jubilation are soon going to burst, showering down the sparkles of smiles, phone calls, hugs and blessings (What? B’day bumps too!) It’s the 20th one, but even this year’s cake would be flavored with a child-like enthusiasm. After all, why shouldn’t the day on which you breathed your first, opened your tiny little eyes to see this big and beautiful world be celebrated !
But stepping into the twenties doesn’t really sound so good if it implies an end to your childhood and teenage. Isn’t this just the perfect moment to have a flashback of the first two decades of your life? The cup of coffee over the table appreciates the thought. When I look back, I see the carefree mind of a kid taking over his bruised knees. The art of getting a wish fulfilled from Dad had undoubtedly overtaken Mom’s scolding. It’s hard to sketch with words the heavenly delight I felt when I, for the first time, paddled my cycle completely on my own ! Neither I can describe ‘the feel’ when I got my first ever jeans. How can I miss out to mention my first attempt at poetry(..horrible and hilarious..a truly nonsense one!) Had fallen for the wrong ones and struggled to impress the ‘Right’s. But it’s the waiting and the urge to catch a glimpse of the gal you had crush upon is what you remember, not the faces of their bfs ;-) Had slipped on few occasions too, but it’s the building time is what I admire, not the breaking. For a moment, the coffee tasted bitter.
It’s impossible to long for those times again, but this period have gifted me many friends who I know are going to last forever and who’ll help me to revive the pleasant past. The coming decade is going to be a deciding one in many respects. I wish it to be a positive one with all the twists and turns to add to its thrill. Now it’s the time to see the dreams getting realized. Lets give in the best, and hope for the best too.
The last sip of coffee was delayed by Mom’s phone call. She said (instructed),”I want my boy to look the best on his birthday. Have a shave. No beards.” With a smile I repeat to myself, ’Beards..’ Even they say, ‘Dude, you are turning 20!’
Last sip in. Happy Birthday to Me.
\_/\_/ \_/ cheers !!! ;)
I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy... ;)
May the years continue to be good to you.... happy (belated) birthday!!!
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